Coconut Fruit
The scientific name of Coconut fruit is Cocos Nucifera from Family
Arecaceae. In Malaysia, you can find along a road side hawker selling
ice coconut fruit water. The fruit is well known in the world. Coconut
is highly rich with vitamins, fiber and minerals which provide health
benefits to body. The inner surface of coconut shell contain meat,
young coconut meatwhen the skin still green is softer then mature
coconut fruit. The liquid between 3 to 10ml inside is sweet and a
little acidic. Malaysia is one of the country among the world is
planted huge of coconut tree.
How coconut tree Look?
In Malaysia, the coconut fruit tree grown huge at Kelantan, Terengannu,
Penang and Perak state. The tree grown well at sandy soil with temperature between 27 to 34
degree Celsius and humidity for optimum grown such as in local
Malaysia. The coconut tree can produce around 75 fruits yearly and the
tree can height until 15 feets. The coconut tree itself is multiples
use such as green leaves use to make basket product and house roots
,coconut shell used to make bowl, husk use to make household product
and trunk is use full for bridge and others or process to things for
daily use. Three stage of coconut fruit:
i.) Tender or Baby Coconut fruit
This stage is purest and healing to body need. It is contained above 95
% water. The meat is thin and soft.
ii.) Half Mature Coconut
The water contained in this stage is less then tender coconut but is
the best compared to tender and mature coconut as it contained nourish
nutritional. The soft meat is thickness then tender coconut.
iii.) Mature Coconut
It is contained less water, and with hard meat. This coconut normally
process to coconut milk which local person use to cook curry.
Coconut fruit product/Recipes
Coconut fruit had make to many type of product such as:
1.Coconut cream
2.Coconut milk
curry prawn
3.Coconut pudding
4.Coconut biscuit
5.Coconut Cake
Why Coconut fruit
Benefits to Body?
The coconut is a tropical fruit. The flesh of the coconut is tasted
yummy. The flesh can help to eliminate in testinal parasites by eating
infected food and for those kidney and urinary patient. The nutritional
as below:
Nutritional Value per 100g
Sugar: 6.23 g
Vtamn B9:25ug.
Calcium: 14mg
MagnesumL 32mg
Vitamin :3.3mg
Vtamin B6: 0.054mg
Related link:Health
benefits of Coconut Fruit