What is Langsat Fruit
The langsat scientific name is Lansium domesticum from family Meliaceae.
It native to the Malaysia. The fruit outer diameter from 2 to 5
centimeter in shape oval or oval oblong. Flesh was covered by yellowish
leathery skin. There are 5 or 6 segments of fragrant translucent, juicy
flesh. The flesh taste with the sweet sour flavor although the ripe
langsat is sweeter. In each segment ,you can found the extremely bitter
of green seed. HJow to find the sweeter langsat fruit? The smaller
darker langsat is the sweeter then larger fruit.
Varieties of Langsat Tree
Varieties of lansium domesticum fruit in Malaysia . Below shown variety
and its differential between:
-round shape with thick pale yellow rind. It is bigger size then
langsat and dukong,sweeter than langsat. It is among the biggest size
comparable to Dukong and langsat.
-egg shape fruits with thin yellowish leathery cover by soft hair,
there is latex when peal off. It is rougherthen duku, and green colour
seed . The flesh was strong bitter taste. It is smaller then dukong and
Dokong or Longkong
-The thick rind in pale yellowish colour. There is no latex while peal
off. Dokong is a hybrid of duku and langsat with very few seeds. This
is the more expensive among Duku, langsat and Dukong. I personnaly
recommend to try it out.
How the Langsat Tree
The langsat is a tropical fruit. The best location to plant the fruit
is at hill from 600 to 800 meters, such as Balik Pulau, Penang and
Johore Malaysia. Besides., its needs good drained system and a humid
atmosphere. The tree can grown up from 6 meter to 12 meter. The
evergreen leave long 20 to 50 centimeter. The flower in colour pale
yellow. The fruit season at Malaysia from June to July or December to
January and state planted huge is Johore, Perak, Kelantan and Penang.
Langsat Fruit Product/Recipes
The langsat had extracted to produce quality product such as commercial
langsat scrub ,candy langsat syrup as well as a juice. Some localism
even cook the fruit with others vegetable as d food.
Why Langsat Fruit
Benefits to Body?
Langsat fruit consist of limonoids which contain a cancer fighting
element and protect our lung .The leaves of langsat used to cure the
inflammation of eye. The table below shown the nutrition:
Nutritional Value Per 100 g
Moisture 86.5 g
Protein 0.8 g
Carbohydrates 9.5 g
Fiber 2.3 g
Calcium 20.0 mg
Phosphorus 30.0 mg
Carotene (Vitamin A) 13.0 I.U.
Thiamine 89 mcg
Riboflavin 124 mcg
Ascorbic Acid 1.0 mg
Phytin 1.1 mg