Longan fruit contains multiple vitamins and minerals, including iron,
magnesium, phosphorus and potassium and large amounts of vitamins A and
C. The fruit indicating that the fruit may have chemo preventive,
antioxidant and liver protective properties.
1. Longan tonic is recommended twice a day for preventing or remedy
stomach ache, insomnia and amnesia.
2. Dried longan flesh decoction for neurasthenic neurosis.
3. Longan fruit stimulate the spleen and hearth, therefore it is
nourish blood circulation and calming effect on nervous system.
4. The longan seed is used to treat snake bites and paralyze the effect
of poison in the body.
5. In Vietnam, the "eye" of the longan seed is pressed against
snakebite in the belief that it will absorb the venom.
6.The seeds are administered to counteract heavy sweating, the
pulverized kernel, which contains saponin, tannin and fat, serves as a
styptic (substance that draws together or constricts body tissues and
is effective in stopping the flow of blood or other secretions).
7. Dried longan is also frequently consumed for its additional benefits
like calming the nerves and promoting restful sleep.
8. Traditional Chinese pharmacology recorded that dried longan has
medicinal benefit in enhancing heart, blood circulation, nerve,
complexion, digestion, stress relieve, anxiety, insomnia, forgetfulness
and fatigue.
9. The longan seeds contain saponin that is used like soapberries for
shampooing the hair.
10. The longan seeds and the rind are burned for fuel.
11. The wood is used for posts, agricultural implements, furniture and
12. The longan fruit also prevent and alleviate body to getting risk of
below diseases:
i. blood and energy tonic
ii. pancreas
iii. women's reproductive organs
iv. intellect
v. anemia
vi. debility
vii. forgetfulness
viii. Amnesia
ix. hyperactive mental activity
x. restlessness
xi. craving for sweets