The pomelo scientific name Citrus Maxima blong to family Rutaceae. It
is native to Southeast Asia. The Pomelo is the largest among citrus
fruits.The white or red juicy flesh color is sweet sour flavor, mild of
grape fruit. Each flesh consists of 9 to 14 segment.The greenish to
yellowish rind is thick with diameter from 15 to 25cm and weighing 1 to
3kg. Some counties called the fruis as Jabong,Lusho fruit,pompelmous,
papanas, Thai grapefruit, shaddock, pummelo , chinese grape fruit and
Varieties of Pomelo
In Malaysia, there are three varieties of pomelo, white, red and pink
flesh. Where the red/pink varieties are sweeter then the white variety.
The fruit is big and contained numerous seeds and covered by thick
skin. It is shape round or oval shape with smooth to pebbly rind
texture. Some varieties in Malaysia such as P051, P052, Limau Bali and
Limau Wangkang.
How the Pomelo Plant
The Pomelo easily arise at teamperature between 27 to 32 degree
Celsius. The plant can grown as high as 15 meters. The fruit are
usually seedless. Normally the plant bears flower four times yearly and
can harvest after 7 to 11 months. The flowers are yellowish white and
can grow to wide 2.5cm. The dark green shiny leaves widely 2 to 12 cm.
In Malaysia, pomelo planted widely in Johor ( largest), Perak, Kedah,
Melaka and Kelantan.
Pomelo Product/Recipes
Th pomelo fruit is eaten raw or process to some of below product:
1. Pomelo
2. Pomelo Jam
3. Pomelo Salad
4. Orange and
Pomelo Curd
5. Mango Pomelo
Sago soup
Benefits of Pomelo Fruit to Body
Malaysian always eat pomelo fruit as flesh. Malaysian Chinese and Malay
make various medicament from rind, leaves, flowers even thought from
seeds. It is believed can help on abdominal pain, cough, vomiting,
swelling and ulcers. The fruit is benefits to
body. Below is the nutritional of the fruit:
Nutritional per 100gram
Carbohydrate 10.4g
Calcium 14.0mg
Beta Carotena 200ug
Iron 0.6mg
Energy 44Kcal
Water 88.0g
Protein 0.7g
Vitamin B1 0.03g
Bitamin B2 0.03g
Vitamin C 44.8g
Related link:
Benefits of
pomelo fruit to body