1.The extracted fluid of sapodilla seed use as sedative and soporific.
2. The decoction of young sapodilla fruit help on removing diarrhea,
bladder and kidney stone.
3. The decoction of young sapodilla fruit and sapodilla flower help to
reduce pulmonary disease.
4. The decoction of sapodilla and chayote leaves taken to lower down
blood pressure.
5. The decoction of aged yellowed sapodilla leaves work as a remedy for
coughs, colds and diarrhea.
6. The paste of the sapodilla seeds is useful on bites from venomous
7. Bark of sapodilla tree use to make a tea to relief from dysentery
and diarrhea.
8. The fiber content protect the mucous membrane of colon from cancer
and helps alleviate constipation.
9. The sapodilla tree latex is used for tooth cavities.
10. Vitamin A in fruit essential for eye care and healthy of skin. It
is also protect from lung and oral cavity cancer.
11. Vitamin C is good for combating from infection agents and harmful
free radicals.
12. Sapodilla fruit rich in Tannin help body in antiviral,
antibacterial and anti-parasitic.
13. The good source of mineral in fruit optimal body metabolic.