Sugarcane Tree and Sugarcane Varieties

Fruits in Malaysia

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Sugarcane Tree and Sugarcane Varieties

Sugarcane suitable planted at tropical region with rainfall 1400 to 1700mm annually. Sugar cane can long from 1 to 4 meters with jointed fibrous stalks. The most famous plated is yellow sugarcane. This crop is growing fast and easier to planted. It take almost 9 to 10 months to harvest after planted. The skin is in yellow greenish. In Malaysia, this type of sugarcane is planted well in sandy alluvial soils with good drained system. At Malaysia, Sugarcane grown at states Kedah, Perlis, Penang, Kelantan, Terengganu and Johor.

There are 6 species of sugarcane:

1. Saccharum Officinarum L.- Stem is thick, juicy and hardy.
2. Saccharum Spontaneum L.
3. Saccharum Robustum Brandes and Jesweit Ex Grassl
4. Saccharum Barberi Jesweit- Stem is thin, juicy and hardy.
5. Saccharum Sinense Hassk- Stem is thin, juicy and hardy.
6. Saccharum Edule Hassk




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