1. Watermelon fruit consist of potassium and magnesium is essential to
bring down the blood pressure. It is decreasing the risk of getting
heart disease and stroke.
2. Potassium in watermelon is helping cleaning toxic material in kidney
stone and this will maintain a good function of kidney.
3. Watermelon juicy sweet fresh water can effectively rehydrate body
heat. In Malaysia , the fruit is selling at fruit hawker, market .
4. Watermelon has fiber, zero fats and low in calories. It is a good
fruit to lose weight.
5. Various mineral an vitamin in watermelon maintain the good level of
insulin in body which can help in control blood sugar. Even though
diabetes patient can eat the watermelon.
6. Vitamin B in the fruit produce energy to body. It is good to eat the
fruit instead of drinking chemical drink.
7. Vitamin C protect eye of drying up and protect from illness of
glaucoma and optical nerves.
8. The antioxidant profile of watermelon. It is helping to kill the
cancer causing free radical especially asthma, colon, prostate and
hearth cancers.
9. The red component Carotenoid in watermelon can prevent getting risk
of cancer.
10. Phytonutrients is effective in protect and maintain good health and
proper functioning of eye, organ, constipation and secretion system.